This site is owned and administrated by homeowners.

This site is independent of the official HOA and board.

We homeowners and residents want a place for both easy and speedy communication with each other and the offical board membership.

This site is meant to be inclusive of everyone who lives here, owns a home here, or is considering a purchase of property here.

This site will be updated monthly.  If this site can be improved or errors are found, please let us know. Thank you.

*** Edit: Oct 25, 2016 @ 09:41

I, the site administrator, have called the site host (the professional webhosting company that was paid to set up the site), to double-check the security. They will be checking the page and citing the security information here. The HOA board president seems concerned about this from an email sent last night so we are responding quickly and openly. As always, transparency is the key to avoiding corruption.